"The flashing of spontaneous beauty is followed by emotional purification"


Mazore Fine Art´s are currently instrumental in the careers of several artists, The collection which Mazore Fine Art´s represents are a overview of the Modern, Outsider, Naive, Contemporary, Post War Art, Pop Art, Kubisme, Surrealisme and Old Masters in the periods between the 15th Century & today´s 21th Century. In addition, Mazore Fine Art´s also reflects the way that Modernism has been incorporated within the atest developments of Ancient Art.     






Mazore Fine Art´s   (MFA)


One area of focus at MFA Services is our work with " Private Collectors "

We help clients build art collections, and assist them in locate Art which they desire to acquire future wise.

MFA, discovering new artists, and in assessing current trends in the Artworld 

for detailed information, we invite you to contact us via :  info@mazore-gis.com






A rapidly evolving world offers huge opportunities for today’s wealth creators. But it also poses significant challenges: economic uncertainty, increasing taxation and regulation, erosion of the right to privacy and public pressure to contribute more to society.

In this environment, never has there been a greater need to protect wealth and manage family succession to ensure a lasting legacy.

Our services have always been developed in response to client needs because we believe we can learn more from listening to clients than imitating competitors. Today, the collective wisdom of our relationships continues to define our approach and our beliefs.



All rights reserved  2020 :  M.F.A .  Reg.No. HE325004  Vassilli Michaelides 9  Globalserve Business Centre Limassol CY


Mazore Fine Art´s

Opening hours:



Customer Service

+357 96 634 115 

Monday - Friday  09.30    18.00

Saturday.            10.00     16.00

on appointment only